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Case Study: Elegant Breeze without the Bugs: Apollo's Retractable Screen Doors at Fairbanks Ranch


In the serene neighborhood of Fairbanks Ranch in Carmel Valley, residents cherish their stunning views and breezy afternoons. However, the local bug population can often turn opening the doors to catch a gentle breeze into a nuisance. This was the challenge facing one homeowner who wanted to enjoy their balcony's view through their French doors without the unwanted guests.

Apollo Screens stepped in to provide the ideal solution with their French Door Screens. Designed to blend seamlessly with any doorway, our screens offer an "invisible" barrier against insects. The best part? They disappear when not in use, preserving the aesthetic beauty of the French doors and ensuring the view remains unobstructed.

Project Overview

For this particular installation, the homeowner chose Apollo's custom-measured French Door Screens, which are known for their durability and ease of use. Each screen is fitted with a metal ergonomic handle and operates smoothly, gliding effortlessly into place when needed and retracting with equal ease.

The Apollo Advantage

Unlike traditional fixed screen doors, Apollo’s French Door Screens do not slam when retracted and are built to withstand the elements, thanks to superior construction and materials. They maintain an elegant look that complements the luxurious vibe of Fairbanks Ranch homes. Moreover, they're installed by factory-trained professionals, ensuring a perfect fit and function.

Living Bug-Free and Stylish

The homeowner can now open their French doors anytime to let in the fresh air, without compromising on comfort or style. The retractable screens have provided a practical yet beautiful solution, turning a bug problem into a non-issue and enhancing their indoor-outdoor living experience.

This project is just one example of how Apollo Screens is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents in Carmel Valley and beyond, by merging innovative design with functionality. For those in Fairbanks Ranch, Apollo’s French Door Screens are a game-changer, offering a breeze without the bugs and beauty without boundaries.

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